hook up

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hook up

  1. kiinnittää, kytkeä, liittää, kytkeä virtalähteeseen.

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kytkeä virtalähteeseen, liittää, kytkeä puhekieltä To assemble the parts of a mechanism, especially by connecting wires.
puhekieltä To connect to something like a power supply or a signal source.
{{quote-magazine|title=A better waterworks|date=2013-06-01|volume=407|issue=8838
puhekieltä To form an association (with) someone.
puhekieltä To have a casual sexual experience with another person, usually without any future relationship intended.
2008, Nate Green, Built for Show, page 3

You work out so you can increase your chances of hooking up. That means having the kind of physique that looks good in clothes and looks even better naked.
puhekieltä To supply someone with good goods or service services.

That guy didnt get his ticket, can you hook him up for me?''

Hey man, can you hook me up with some weed?


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make-up, pick-up, cup, maailmancup, ketchup, gallup, puhelingallup, katugallup

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